For newbies

| 1 min

Starter kit for computer engineering* newbies

You can use Çevirgeç to help you with vocabulary during your journey.

Robot game

For whom: [Prep/Class 1] Really starters, for whom have no programming experience.


  • Game page

Objective: To be familiar with function concept, definition and usage.

Web fundamentals

For whom: [Prep/Class 1] Really starters, for whom have no programming experience.


  • First create an account for yourself in Codeacademy
  • [Take this first]
  • [Take this after completing Web Fundamentals course]

Objective: To learn and understand web’s building parts.

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

For whom: [Prep/Class 1] Really starters, for whom have no programming experience.


  • Course main page

Objective: To learn basic concepts about computer science, to have basic hands-on programming experience with Python.

* In Turkey, “computer engineering”, “computer science” and “software engineering” departments are actually all the same and have almost the same curriculum. The name “computer engineering” is used to refer all in general.

| Categories: life
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